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Hina*, a 22-year-old mother of two from rural Sindh, tragically lost her third child due to complications during childbirth. Her story is one of the many heart-wrenching reminders of the devastating consequences of inadequate access to reproductive health services and family planning education in Pakistan. Millions of women in the country face risks due to a lack of knowledge and resources, leading to unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal mortality.

The absence of reproductive health education and family planning services has far-reaching consequences, affecting not only the health and well-being of women but also the economic prosperity of families and communities. When women are unable to plan their families, they are more likely to experience poverty, malnutrition, and poor health outcomes, perpetuating cycles of disadvantage.

Educating females about reproductive health and family planning is crucial for preventing such tragedies and empowering women to make informed decisions about their lives. In Pakistan, where only 34% of women use family planning methods and 40% lack access to female healthcare, the need for awareness and education is dire. The statistics are alarming: 4.2 million unplanned pregnancies and 2.2 million abortions annually, with young women desiring an average of four children but having only two due to lack of access to family planning services.

Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world with 208 million people and a population growth rate of 2.4% per year. The population dynamics pose challenges to national development, economic growth, and security. To address these challenges, it's essential to take the conversation to the parliamentarian level, ensuring policies and programs support reproductive health and family planning initiatives. Parliamentarians have a critical role in championing women's rights and advocating for enhanced access to reproductive health services, particularly in underserved areas.

Recently, the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) organised a seminar for Sindh's parliamentarians, a crucial step towards mobilising political will and action. However, this is just the beginning. Many more efforts are needed to educate individuals and policymakers about the importance of reproductive health and family planning. The consequences of inaction are too severe to ignore – we must act now to ensure a brighter future for Pakistan's women and girls.

The alarming reality

Pakistan faces a reproductive health crisis, with staggering numbers of unplanned pregnancies and abortions. According to a report by the Guttmacher Institute, ‘Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion in Pakistan’, 50% of pregnancies in Pakistan are unplanned, while the World Health Organization reports that one in five pregnancies end in abortion. This translates to approximately 2.2 million abortions annually, with a devastating 80% being unsafe, leading to serious health complications and even death. In fact, unsafe abortions account for 12% of maternal deaths in Pakistan, as per the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey.

The root cause of this crisis lies in the lack of access to family planning services. According to the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey by National Institute of Population Studies, only 35% of married women use modern contraceptive methods, while 20% have an unmet need for family planning. This means millions of women are unable to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, leading to a cycle of unplanned pregnancies and unsafe abortions.

The situation is exacerbated by a lack of access to female healthcare, with 40% of the population unable to access essential services. Improved supply chains and involvement of the private sector in underserved areas are crucial to address this gap.

The power of family planning

Family planning is a fundamental aspect of reproductive health, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their fertility and plan their families. In Pakistan, where one in every five women desire to use contraceptives but lack access, family planning is crucial for preventing unwanted pregnancies, reducing unsafe abortions, and saving lives.

Family planning was declared a basic human right at the United Nations International Conference on Human Rights in 1968. This rights-based approach ensures that individuals have the right to determine freely and responsibly the number and timing of their children, with access to quality information and services, free from discrimination and coercion.

It prevents maternal deaths, saves children's lives, and ensures that every pregnancy is intended. Unfortunately, Pakistan has lower use of modern contraceptives compared to other countries in the region, with only 26% of women aged 15-49 years using a modern method. This highlights the need for improved access to family planning services, which is imperative for saving lives.

The UNFPA works closely with the Government of Pakistan to increase the uptake of family planning information and services. The goal is to enable an estimated 5.8 million women to become additional users of modern contraception.

Access to contraceptive information and services is central to achieving gender equality. When women are empowered to plan their families, they are better enabled to complete their education, have more autonomy within their household, and improve their earning power. This strengthens their economic security, education, health, and well-being, as well as that of their children and family.

By recognising the importance of family planning, we can ensure that individuals have the freedom to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, saving lives, empowering women, and building a brighter future for all.

Steps taken to address the crisis

Pakistani authorities have taken various steps to address the country's reproductive health challenges, recognising the critical need to improve access to family planning information and services. In collaboration with the UNFPA, the government aimed to enable an estimated 5.8 million additional women to use modern contraception by 2022, a significant step towards reducing the unmet need for family planning.

Pakistan has also committed to the Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) initiative, pledged to add 6.7 million new users of modern contraception by 2020 and achieve a contraceptive prevalence rate of 50%. This commitment demonstrates the government's dedication to addressing the country's high population growth rate and improving the health and well-being of its citizens.

Pakistan has also made commitment to the FP2030 with a vision that, “by the end of 2030, Pakistan envisions a society where women and girls are empowered and all couples enjoy basic rights to decide the number of their children freely and responsibly by maintaining a balance between their family size and resources, make informed choices to achieve a prosperous, healthy, and educated society.”

The vision includes adapting and implementing evidence-based progressive policy reforms with political will and enabling an environment at all levels, universal access to services to lower fertility rates and address unmet need for contraception, address information and service needs specially to remote areas, gearing for Uniform Understanding of National Narrative, contraceptive commodity security and efficient supply mechanism, legislative support, institutionalisation of human development and system strengthening to sustain family planning efforts, and monitoring and evaluation for results and effectiveness.

Given due consideration that population is a cross-cutting issue, which has its linkages with the most important issues relating to poverty, health, illiteracy, environment, climate change, economic instability, etc, the Government of Pakistan has developed a New National Narrative under the theme “Tawazin” (meaning middle of the course) and decide the family size according to the resources, enabling to fulfill the fundamental rights of all.

The UNFPA advocates widely at the policy level to ensure that family planning is embraced as a basic human right. This rights-based approach ensures that individuals can determine freely and responsibly the number and timing of their children, with access to quality information and services, free from discrimination and coercion. By empowering individuals, particularly women, to make informed decisions about their fertility, UNFPA works to address the social and cultural barriers that often limit access to family planning services.

Efforts are also being made to improve access to contraceptives, particularly for women who wish to use them but lack access. This includes increasing the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of family planning services, ensuring that individuals can obtain the information and resources they need to plan their families.

By addressing these critical gaps in family planning services, Pakistani authorities and UNFPA aim to reduce the country's high rates of maternal mortality, unsafe abortions, and unintended pregnancies, ultimately improving the health and well-being of women and families across Pakistan.

Progress Made

Significant progress has been made in improving antenatal care in Pakistan, with coverage increasing from 30% in 1990-91 to 77% in 2020. However, despite this achievement, challenges persist in ensuring access to quality reproductive healthcare.

Dr Rubina Ali, Assistant Country Representative for UNFPA, emphasised the need for a rights-based approach to family planning, and said, "Population management transcends mere control. It is about empowering individuals with the right to plan their families and access essential resources."

Dr Rubina urged parliamentarians to advocate for enhanced access to contraceptives and family planning services.

The SDPI plays a crucial role in advocating for reproductive health policies and family planning in Pakistan. According to Syed Ali Wasif Naqvi, Senior Research Associate and Head of Policy Advocacy & Outreach at SDPI, "SDPI provides research-based insights and policy analysis that inform and strengthen the efforts of these organizations." SDPI's collaboration with UNFPA and similar organisations ensures that its research contributes to more effective advocacy and policymaking in healthcare, including reproductive health and family planning.

Looking ahead, SDPI plans to continue its research and policy advocacy efforts in the broader healthcare sector, with a focus on data development for reproductive health. "Future initiatives may include more focused research on reproductive health challenges in Pakistan and developing policy briefs that guide effective interventions. SDPI aims to partner and collaborate with organizations that can drive systemic change and improve health outcomes nationwide,” explained Naqvi.

Persistent challenges

Despite progress made in improving reproductive healthcare in Pakistan, several challenges persist. Accessibility remains a significant issue, particularly for women in rural or remote areas. They face constraints in accessing essential healthcare services, including quality antenatal and postnatal care, reproductive health, breast cancer treatment, and fistula treatment. The biggest gap is in delivery in hospitals, with only 64% of women in rural areas and 85% in urban areas delivering in hospitals. In rural areas, a staggering 66% of women consider distance to health facilities a major problem.

According to Naqvi, the implementation of reproductive health policies in Pakistan faces several challenges, including cultural barriers, lack of awareness, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and insufficient funding. “Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that includes increasing public awareness, enhancing healthcare services, and ensuring that policies are culturally sensitive. The importance of community engagement and the need for stronger governance to ensure that policies are effectively translated into practice cannot be ignored,” added Naqvi.

He also emphasised the crucial role of the private sector in expanding access to reproductive health services, particularly in underserved areas. “The private sector has a key role in expanding access to reproductive health services by partnering with public health organizations and supporting public health initiatives, particularly in underserved areas. SDPI suggests that incentivizing private healthcare providers through public-private partnerships could enhance service delivery,” he said, adding that, collaborations with the private sector should focus on capacity building and service expansion, especially in rural and underserved regions. “This will ensure that reproductive health services are accessible to all and help bridge gaps in service provision and improve overall health outcomes.”

The unfinished agenda

Huge disparities persist between young women's desires and their reality when it comes to reproductive health in Pakistan. On average, women desire four children, but the reality is that they have only two. This significant gap has far-reaching implications for reproductive health outcomes and highlights the unfinished agenda in this critical area.

According to Naqvi, "Although SDPI's direct involvement concerning family planning is limited, the organisation recommends integrating reproductive health into broader healthcare and development policies."

He emphasised that SDPI's research in healthcare shows that infrastructure, improving data collection methods, and building a multi-sectoral collaboration can help overcome challenges in reproductive health policy implementation. "SDPI advocates for evidence-based policy that reflects the unique socio-economic context of Pakistan," said Naqvi.

Naqvi also highlighted the crucial role of education, particularly girls' education, in improving reproductive health outcomes. "Education, especially for girls, is crucial in improving reproductive health outcomes. Educated women are more likely to make informed decisions about their health and family planning," he said, adding that SDPI advocates for girls' education and enrollment of out-of-school children.

“Our prime focus is on the policies that promote girls' education as a means to improve reproductive health," said Naqvi. Underscoring the empowering effect of education on women, he said, "Education empowers women to understand and exercise their rights, leading to better health outcomes and more sustainable development."

The role of parliamentarians

Parliamentarians play a vital role in championing women's rights and advocating for enhanced access to reproductive health services. Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri, Executive Director of SDPI, said, "Access to sexual reproductive health and family planning services is not only a matter of public health but also crucial for promoting sustainable economic growth. Parliamentarians play a key role in policy-making that will lead to a more balanced population growth and a better future for Sindh."

Dr Suleri stressed the importance of mobilising dialogue on political will and enabling environment for the successful implementation of the National Action Plan on Family Planning and the Family Planning 2030 (FP2030).

Shaheena Sher Ali, Sindh Minister for Women Development, reaffirmed the Sindh government's commitment to working on family planning and reproductive health awareness as fundamental rights: "The Sindh government will implement policies in the province that promote reproductive health and underscore the connection between population and sustainable economic growth. As members of the Sindh Assembly, we must ensure that every citizen in Sindh has access to the reproductive health services they need, especially in rural areas."

Dr Jamil Ahmad Chaudhry, Program Specialist at UNFPA, highlighted the urgent need for parliamentary engagement to achieve the Council of Common Interests' goals, addressing key challenges such as lack of access to female healthcare and the need for improved supply chains.

Naqvi highlighted that through policy dialogues, advocacy initiatives, conferences, and collaborative projects, SDPI ensures that its research reaches key decision-makers. “Our partnerships with UN agencies and other international bodies help align national policies with global best practices, including those related to healthcare including our recommendations for female healthcare,” he shared.

What to expect?

The path forward requires sustained efforts and collective action. As Naqvi said, "We plan to maintain our efforts in providing data-driven insights and facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues. With our research informing policy and practice, we can drive progress towards achieving the goals outlined in the FP2030 framework."

This commitment to evidence-based decision-making will be critical in addressing the complex reproductive health challenges facing Pakistan. “At SDPI, our strategy involves around building stronger networks, engaging in capacity-building initiatives, and ensuring that the focus on SRH and FP remains a priority in the national discourse,” said Naqvi.

The call to action remains: to bridge the gaps, prioritize women's and girls' health, and ensure every individual's right to reproductive health and family planning. The journey ahead is long, but collective efforts can ignite transformative change, empowering individuals, communities, and the nation to thrive.

*Name changed to protect identity

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Pakistan’s mpox tally rises to 7 as another case reported




Vials of the JYNNEOS smallpox and monkeypox vaccine are placed on a table during a clinic offered by the Pima County Department of Public Health at Abrams Public Health Centre in Tucson, Arizona, US, August 20, 2022. — Reuters

ISLAMABAD: A 44-year-old man, hailing from the Gujarat district in Punjab, has tested positive for monkeypox virus or mpox after arriving in Pakistan from a gulf state marking the seventh mpox case in the country this year and the sixth since the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared an emergency last month.

After being suspected of carrying the virus, the patient, who landed at Islamabad Airport on September 14 (Saturday), was taken to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims).

The health officials confirmed that samples sent to the National Institute of Health (NIH) tested positive for mpox. The patient is reported to be in stable condition.

“This is the seventh confirmed case of mpox in Pakistan this year,” said a health official in the federal health ministry.

“Five previous cases were confirmed at the Khyber Medical University laboratory in Peshawar, while this latest patient is being treated in Islamabad,” the official said.

Mpox is a virus that causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions and, while usually mild, it can kill. Children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems are all at higher risk of complications.

Earlier on Wednesday, one more mpox case was reported in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), taking the total tally of the virus to six in Pakistan, provincial Health Minister Syed Qasim Ali Shah said

Moreover on Sunday, at least three passengers travelling to Karachi were suspected of monkeypox in a single day at the Jinnah International Airport, Geo News reported citing sources.

All three passengers returned to Pakistan from Middle Eastern countries, the sources added.

Following global health concerns, WHO has approved MVA-BN as the first pre-qualified vaccine against monkeypox virus, according to The News on Saturday.

“This first pre-qualification of a vaccine against mpox is an important step in our fight against the disease, both in the context of the current outbreaks in Africa and in future,” said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The development comes as the United Nations’ health centric-body had declared the mpox outbreak as an “international health emergency” in July.

The spike in mpox cases in Peshawar has triggered concerns among health experts and the public alike, with calls for increased awareness and stricter travel guidelines.

Authorities continue to monitor the situation closely, particularly in light of the WHO’s recent emergency declaration regarding the virus, he added and lauded Border Health Services (BHS) to finally detect an mpox case other than Peshawar.

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Three possible mpox patients sent home as tests return negative




A test tube labelled “Mpox virus positive” is held in this illustration taken August 20, 2024. — Reuters

Three suspected mpox patients were sent home in Karachi after one showed no symptoms and the tests for the other two came back negative, according to the Sindh health department.

Geo News, citing sources, reported on Sunday that they were suspected of being infected with mpox after returning to Pakistan from Middle Eastern countries at the Jinnah International Airport. 

The patient with no symptoms of the virus was sent home yesterday, the health department stated that the other two suspects, were also discharged from the hospital after testing negative. 

The two had arrived in Karachi from Jeddah on Saturday, according to the health department.

All three individuals were immediately taken to the Sindh Infectious Diseases Hospital and Research Centre, as confirmed by hospital officials.

Currently, there are six confirmed mpox cases in Pakistan, with the majority reported in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Mpox is a virus that causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions and, while usually mild, it can kill. Children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems are all at higher risk of complications, reported Reuters.

The infectious disease has African countries in turmoil including DR Congo where there have been 27,000 cases and more than 1,100 deaths, the majority of the deaths occurred among children.

The outbreak began in January 2023 in the Congo and in August this year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the recent outbreak of the disease a public health emergency of international concern after the new variant was identified.

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Authorities identify three suspected mpox patients at Karachi airport




This file photo shows a patient showing his hand with a sore caused by an infection of the mpox virus. — AFP 

KARACHI: As Pakistan continues to report fresh monkeypox cases, three more passengers travelling to Karachi were suspected of the disease, sources told Geo News on Sunday. 

According to the sources, the three passengers, including a female, were returning to Pakistan from Middle Eastern countries and had landed at Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport. 

The suspected patients have been shifted to Sindh government’s Infectious Diseases Hospital, said the sources, adding that they will be kept in isolation ward until the test report comes.

The total tally of confirmed mpox cases is six across Pakistan with most cases reported in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Mpox is a virus that causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions and, while usually mild, it can kill. Children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems are all at higher risk of complications, reported Reuters.

In August, the WHO The World Health Organisation declared the recent outbreak of the disease a public health emergency of international concern after the new variant was identified.

There have been 27,000 cases and more than 1,100 deaths, mainly among children, in DR Congo since the current outbreak began in January 2023.

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Health officials ‘concerned’ after mpox patient gets through screening at Islamabad airport




A representational image showing a patient showing his hand with a sore caused by an infection of the mpox virus, in the isolation area for mpox patients. — AFP/File 

Health Ministry officials have raised alarm bells over the performance of Border Health Services (BHS) personnel after a monkeypox patient went undetected at the Islamabad airport only to be later found being infected with the infectious disease in Peshawar, sources told Geo News on Thursday.

The sources added the passenger, who reached the Islamabad airport on September 7 from a Gulf country, managed to reach Peshawar due to the negligence of BHS staff stationed at the airport in the federal capital.

The development comes after the country’s mpox tally reached six — the fifth since the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the recent outbreak of the disease as a public health emergency of international concern — after the said passenger hailing from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Lower Dir area was found carrying the virus.

As per the WHO, mpox is a viral disease related to the now-eradicated smallpox virus and can spread through any close contact and through contaminated materials like sheets, clothing and needles.

Initial symptoms of the disease include fever, chills, muscle pain, swelling of the glands, exhaustion, headache and muscle weakness which are often followed by a painful or itchy rash with raised lesions that scab over and resolve over a period of weeks.

The fact that an mpox patient went undetected is concerning as the government last month issued strict guidelines provisioning screening, isolation and other preventive measures at all international airports across the country in light of the threat posed by the recent global outbreak of the virus.

As part of the government directives, BHS was made the lead agency responsible for the overall coordination and management of mpox-related operations at international airports — manages the isolation and safe transportation of suspected Mpox cases to designated medical facilities.

The authority was also made responsible for reporting confirmed cases to local and national health authorities and maintaining surveillance data.

Furthermore, the guidelines also provisioned thermal scanning at all entry points with BHS personnel required to conduct visual inspections and symptom checks to identify any passengers displaying signs of the disease.

However, the said mpox-infected passenger was neither questioned nor examined by the BHS staff, despite showing visible symptoms, The News reported on Thursday citing officials from the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination (NHS, R&C).

Lamenting the efficacy of the screening being carried out, the technical working group on mpox (TWG) — which was constituted after WHO’s declaration and included officials from key public health bodies such as the National Institute of Health (NIH) Islamabad, the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP), and others — has said that surveillance at all other points of entry and airports other than Peshawar is very poor.

Furthermore, the officials have said that the patient stayed at a hotel contacted a skin specialist in Peshawar and was diagnosed with the virus after being tested at the Khyber Medical University.

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